Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas - December 2008

Well, Christmas is over for this year. Time to pack everything up and stow it away till next year...

This was a very nice Holiday. Tuesday night (12/23), Raymond, Robby, PJ and I went up to Wylde's for our celebration.

PJ's family came down Christmas Eve for dinner. I made (don't tell Lara) the turkey I made for Thanksgiving with all the fixings. It turned out damn good!

Christmas morning, we got up, had some Mimosas and heard a knock on the door - Mom and Joe came up for a 'suprise' visit!! Unfortunately, there was no food in the house - so we went to TooJay's and then went down and saw the ICE exhibit at Gaylord Palms.

Tomorrow, we are headed off to celebrate New Year's at the campground. I'll come back with some interesting stories and pictures! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

1 comment:

The Keoughs said...

comYou look like an oompa-loompa!!!!!
how funny.
you should blow that picture up!!