Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kitchen Week #2

Well, we decided to have the kitchen redone. And, boy, is it getting redone - new cabinets, new applainces, everything.
Now, I am not one who does transition easy. I can handle being inconvenienced - don't get me wrong... but our kitchen now is a shell of a room with nothing but pipes and electric wires sticking out of newly created holes.
I know, I know - it will be worth it. That's what I keep telling myself.
Becuase I need to keep telling myself that!! Every time PJ makes a 'change' to the plans - moves a cabinet from here to there. Or if they didn't deliver a fridge with two big old dents in the side.
No more delays! Time to start moving forward! OUT OF MY WAY!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Beer Server

So our friends Raymond and David bought this bar (it was actually the bar that I used to always frequent and where I met PJ). Last Friday they had a very festive Bear Search and they asked if I would work selling beer from a tub. I said "Hell yeah!!".
I have never had SOOOO much fun. It was a blast and I made $106 in tips!!

The kitchen is being remodled. I have a picture to post with the kitchen in chaos - dishes in the front room, glasses in the tv room. It will be nice when it's done, but in the meantime - I don't have to cook ANYTHING! Woo Hoo!!