Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kitchen Week #2

Well, we decided to have the kitchen redone. And, boy, is it getting redone - new cabinets, new applainces, everything.
Now, I am not one who does transition easy. I can handle being inconvenienced - don't get me wrong... but our kitchen now is a shell of a room with nothing but pipes and electric wires sticking out of newly created holes.
I know, I know - it will be worth it. That's what I keep telling myself.
Becuase I need to keep telling myself that!! Every time PJ makes a 'change' to the plans - moves a cabinet from here to there. Or if they didn't deliver a fridge with two big old dents in the side.
No more delays! Time to start moving forward! OUT OF MY WAY!!

1 comment:

The Keoughs said...

Let me re-check that....did you say "I can handle being inconvienced?"
you are soooo funny!!!