Monday, June 1, 2009

Memorial Day BBQ mishap...

Ok, I didn't put this on the last post. Yes, the Memorial Day Party was great, had a good time, nice and everything.

What I 'forgot' to mention was the chili incident. Seems like everytime we have a party, I buy a can of chili - so someone can make Chili Dogs. Everytime, I cut up onions and put out a little bowl of shredded cheese - for toppings on the chili dogs. But I always forget to heat up the can of chili. So, now there are 8 cans of chili in the cabinet.

Last Saturday, I was ready - I was going to put it on the top shelf of the grill, and we were finally goig to have some Chili Dogs!! I pulled out the can and set it on the counter, I put foil over the top of the can so it wouldn't splatter, I put a spoon on it so I could stir it while it was heating up. Boy, I was all set! Except for the fact that I didn't remove the lid from the can (it had a pop-off top - so it was nice and easy).

Well, the can was all heated up, I went to go stir it and saw that the cap was still on it. I said to myself 'I better get this off of the grill so it doesn't explode'. I bring it in the house and set it on the counter. There were some people in the kitchen - and I didn't want them to open it. So what do I do? I pop the top on the can. Chili goes everywhere on the counters, in the air, everywhere!

It got on my face - i have a dot right between my eyes, on one side of my cheek; and all over my stomach and chest. I have about a three-inch circluar burn right on my stomach. Luckily, I have been taking care of it with silverdine (which PJ had left over from his minor surgery) and keeping it wrapped.

Needless to say, what an idiot I am!! Don't try to open the can of chili that has been on the grill for half-hour. Well, I did have a few drinks before - and definately had some after.

(Ok Lara, you can stop laughing now.) And needless to say, I am not goig to be taking pictures...

1 comment:

The Keoughs said...